In this driven episode of the hellyeah! show, we discuss the unlocked Samsung Galaxy Nexus, The State of the Web, boutique water, Emory’s love affair with the Fujitsu Scansnap S-1300, Alan’s recent Netflix activity, Intel’s smartphone, the U.S. Postal Service, and Google Drive.
Check out the show notes after the break…
Emory’s stuff
- Google directly selling Samsung Galaxy Nexus unlocked for $399
- Fujitsu Scansnap S-1300
Alan’s stuff
- Netflix activity
- Trekkies (1997)
- Apocalypse Now (1979)
- not available in the U.S. (sells for $420 in India)
- a 1.6 GHz single core, hyperthreaded 64-bit x86 CPU
USPS threatening to halt Saturday delivery
- May 15 deadline for Congress to resolve funding issues
- this scenario has happened before
- 1947, 1957, 1968, 1975, 1987, and 2001
- First-Class Mail usage on the decline
- $238 billion projected losses by 2020 (up to $33 billion per year)
Google Drive
- Google Docs vs. Google Drive standardization issues
- no symlink support???!!!
- data ownership questions
- “the EFF found little about [Google’s terms] that was more suspicious than in any other similar cloud service”
- 7 GB free storage
- improved client software