In this found episode of the hellyeah! show, we discuss buses and Find My iPhone, Emory’s new camera, Alan’s new iPhone 5, Ubuntu updates, task management, and a few bits of entertainment news.
Check out the show notes after the break…
Emory’s stuff
my glorious Kitten-face Tee
adventures in Find my iPhone
Camera Purchased: Fujifilm X100s
The terrible ordeal of the backorder
a missing SD card and Amazon’s amazing customer service
finally, something other than black market narcotics with BitCoins!
Someone is wrong on the Internet: Facebook and gun control
Alan’s stuff
iPhone 5
Passbook is glorious
Downcast is the best podcast app, probably
T-Mobile is rocking it
unlimited 4G, no contract, awesome salesperson
MLB TV / MLB At Bat on iOS over 4G is the future of baseball
I’m still kicking Emory’s ass at Letterpress and he refuses to lose gracefully
Ubuntu 13.04
Some interesting tuning to the Unity desktop environment
Better window snap
Faster interface behavior
Online Accounts dashboard (similar to the Mail Contacts & Calendars preference pane in OS X)
Social accounts and lenses
and in general, why is great
Wunderlist Pro
Finally, a business model for the best free tasks & projects tool
speaking of, emory finally got into the OmniFocus test group!
Netflix is bigger than HBO
new family plans for 4 streams
Game of Thrones
Mass Effect 2 on PSN
LOL China
Apple fined for copyright infringement. IN CHINA.