In this prognosticated episode of the hellyeah! show, we discuss groundhogs, hard drives, SWTOR and WoW, the Steam mobile beta, the Facebook IPO and its implications, Sony’s new CEO and old problems, and the recent VeriSign hack incident.
Check out the show notes after the break…
Emory’s stuff
- Cobook:
- Synk Pro
- good support from Seagate
- 10.7.3 bugs
- VMware and SWTOR
- evi, Siri’s weird neighbor
Alan’s stuff
- Groundhog Day: “Rodents diverge on winter forecast”
- WoW has better world-building than TOR does
- I subscribed to WoW remote
- I’m in the Steam mobile beta
Facebook IPO is ugh
- Zuckerberg maintains controlling stake
- Facebook is just ugh
- why do people like it?
- Skepticism article:
- “But Facebook represents a disturbing trend in U.S. capitalism: genuflection to the diversion industry. Apple Inc. is guilty. Google is guilty. Media companies are guilty, too.”
Sony has a new CEO
- Kaz Hirai, head of the PlayStation division
- replaces Howard Stringer
VeriSign hacked