  • the hellyeah! show
  • better living through best practices
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3×02 hellyeah! show: we’re going to need quieter keyboards

In this found episode of the hellyeah! show, we discuss buses and Find My iPhone, Emory’s new camera, Alan’s new iPhone 5, Ubuntu updates, task management, and a few bits of entertainment news.

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2×16 hellyeah! show: did Frasier just slap that guy?

In this misty episode of the hellyeah! show, we discuss Emory’s current television interests and their intersection with Kelsey Grammer,, the wonders of Crispin Cider, how to not broadcast a presidential debate, Sprint’s business deal with Japan, the misty Mists of Pandaria, XCOM, and an assortment of other goodies.

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1×06 hellyeah! show: we’re ready to believe you

In this cerebral episode of the hellyeah! show, we discuss the impending Amazon tablet and the slippery iPhone 5, Emory takes us on a tour of internet paradigms, insects prove to be terrifying creatures, SSL certificate authorities are not as secure as they should be, and Spock’s brain is not in its proper place.

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