In this Britified episode of the hellyeah! show, we discuss EMORY’S NEW BAG, and Glassboard, Alan’s trip to London, Jeopardy, Mists of Pandaria, Bravo’s Start-Ups: Silicon Valley, Halloween, the iPad mini, and the election.
Check out the show notes after the break…
Emory’s stuff
- Mission Workshop Sanction: a delightful backpack
- Hurricane Sandy and my New Yorkers
- jcn, Dan Lurie getting props for their photos
- 15” rMBP Pro is en route
- I still enjoy and I am in love with jekyll-s3.
- Glassboard is pretty sweet, if you like to have a private social space
- invitation code ‘tmutj’
Alan’s stuff
- London Calling
- What London does well
- meat in dessert foods
- the underground
- one pound coins
- mobile credit card terminals
- RAIN, hell yes
- What MURICA does well
- vegetables
- street food
- trash cans on the street
- What London does well
- Jeopardy for the Xbox 360
- Mists of Pandaria, a few weeks later
Real Housewives of Silicon Valley
Halloween (Scared, kids?)
- Alan’s Halloween
- Emory’s Halloween
iPad Mini
- It’s a smaller iPad.
Voting Time in the United States
- Find your effing polling place
- Prop 37
- millions and millions of dollars coming in
- Iowa’s Judges and retaliatory voting