  • the hellyeah! show
  • better living through best practices
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1×18 hellyeah! show: this ain’t EverQuest

In this forceful episode of the hellyeah! show, we discuss the surprisingly small smartphone penetration in the U.S., HP’s rebranding needs, Xbox Live’s new terms of service updates, Kaspersky’s public response to SOPA, Emory’s attempts to preserve the Star Wars trilogy in its purest form, and the brand new MMO out this week, Star Wars: The Old Republic.

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1×04 hellyeah! show: it’s elementary, my dear emory!

In this mysterious episode of the hellyeah! show, we talk tablets and patents, Alan gushes over an online printing service, Emory shares his secret shame, and we have polar opposite opinions on Star Trek: TNG S2E3.

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